Master 2 Digital Humanities - Universite des Mascareignes

Developments in technology have recently transformed our way of working. In-depth knowledge of computer science therefore becomes essential in research and graduates in various fields, especially the arts and humanities, often find themselves faced with using computer tools in their field of research and in their workplace.

With this in mind, the Master 2 in Digital humanities, in collaboration with the University of Reunion Island (UR), aims to:
• answer several research questions in the South, in particular in the Indian Ocean and in Africa, and also meet some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
• train in 2 years students in ‘new’ professions, so that they can develop digital skills, and thus add a digital dimension to their area of expertise; allowing them to open up to other disciplines, even to a larger community.

Master 2 Digital Humanities

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Master 2 Digital Humanities

Course Overview

Developments in technology have recently transformed our way of working. In-depth knowledge of computer science therefore becomes essential in research and graduates in various fields, especially the arts and humanities, often find themselves faced with using computer tools in their field of research and in their workplace.

With this in mind, the Master 2 in Digital humanities, in collaboration with the University of Reunion Island (UR), aims to:
• answer several research questions in the South, in particular in the Indian Ocean and in Africa, and also meet some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
• train in 2 years students in ‘new’ professions, so that they can develop digital skills, and thus add a digital dimension to their area of expertise; allowing them to open up to other disciplines, even to a larger community.

Career Prospects

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Creative and Cultural industies
  • Research (digitisation, data management and analysis, cultural industry,…),
  • Education
  • Access to new digital creation professions/jobs within large groups and SMEs, with a multimedia, digital communication, social media and administrative division

Teaching Methods

This multidisciplinary postgraduate degree

  • in English and French, is proposed by the Centre of Digital Humanities of UDM and the University of Reunion Island (UR).
  • will be mainly online with experts from both UDM and UR.
  • intends to distinguish itself from conventional training, and thus adopt the ‘new’ pedagogy, an educational trend that defends active teaching-learning.


The target audience is made up of students of all fields, those who are in the humanities (literatures, languages, history,…), information communication, computer science, and management among others

To be admitted in Master Digital Humanities), students must have an undergraduate degree/180 ECTS/ NQF* Level 7/8

Course Structure

Semestre 1

Théories et concepts en humanités numériques
Industries Culturelles
Environnement légal (Online)
Dispositifs numériques et usages (Online)
La connaissance des nouveaux médias
La socio-économie des nouveaux média
Conception des sites Web
Le coding pour débutants
Méthodologie de conception de système de l’information
Méthodologie de mémoire

Semestre 2

Analyse des données textuelles
Le storytelling dans les nouveaux médias
Stratégies de communication numérique
Médiation culturelle à l’ère numérique
Base de données
Coding intermédiaire
Intelligence Artificielle & Industries Culturelles et Créatives 1
Gestion de Projet 1
Séminaires de progression (mémoire)
L’avant-projet (Mémoire – Partie 1)

Semestre 3

Découverte comportement et entrepreneuriat
Conception et réalisation de productions audiovisuelles
Innovation managériale, sociale et technologique
Gestion de projet 2
Intelligence Artificielle & Industries Culturelles et Créatives 2
Traitement et Analyse des images
Ecriture scientifique et Publication
Séminaires de recherche
La communication en milieu professionnel

Semestre 4

Stage (16 semaines) ou création d’entreprise (industries culturelles et créatives)Mémoire et soutenance
Mémoire et soutenance

Mode & Fees

The Master’s Degree is over two years.

Total fees chargeable per student per year, including tuition, general & student union fees: Rs 75,500


Head of the Centre for Digital Humanities : Dr (Mrs) Neelam Pirbhai-Jetha

Secretary for Digital Humanities               : Mrs. Roomeela Ghoorun

Telephone Number                                  : 2604502

to Apply

Click on

Dossier de Candidature

Deadline : 31 AOUT 2024


Available at Swami Dayanand Campus

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