Master in Civil Engineering with specialisation in Structures and Public Works - Universite des Mascareignes

This Master is offered in partnership with the “Université de la Réunion” and successful students will graduate with certificates from the “Université de la Réunion”. This postgraduate Master program of level BAC+5 aims to create highly skilled professionals by using in-depth knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering. The programme should allow graduates to lead major projects related to design, monitoring and implementation. The objective is also to create a culture of interdisciplinary to promote research and innovation to better serve the society. This postgraduate Master program of level BAC+5 aims to create highly skilled professionals by using in-depth knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering. The programme should allow graduates to lead major projects related to design, monitoring and implementation. The objective is also to create a culture of interdisciplinary to promote research and innovation to better serve the society.

Master in Civil Engineering with specialisation in Structures and Public Works

Faculty of Sustainable Development and Engineering

Master in Civil Engineering with specialisation in Structures and Public Works

Course Overview

This Master is offered in partnership with the “Université de la Réunion” and successful students will graduate with certificates from the “Université de la Réunion”. This postgraduate Master program of level BAC+5 aims to create highly skilled professionals by using in-depth knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering. The programme should allow graduates to lead major projects related to design, monitoring and implementation. The objective is also to create a culture of interdisciplinary to promote research and innovation to better serve the society. This postgraduate Master program of level BAC+5 aims to create highly skilled professionals by using in-depth knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering. The programme should allow graduates to lead major projects related to design, monitoring and implementation. The objective is also to create a culture of interdisciplinary to promote research and innovation to better serve the society.

Course Structure

Semestre 1

  • Mathematics
  • Further Fluids Mechanics
  • Béton durci, céramique et verres
  • Projet Personnel et Professionnel
  • Géologie et Géotechnique de Surface
  • FSS Les Fondations et Structures de Soutènement
  • Méthodes d’Analyses Poussées des Structures
  • Advanced Structural Design
  • Topographie et Maintenance
  • ITAT Instruments et Techniques Avancées de Topographie
  • Gestion de la Maintenance des Chaussés et Ouvrages Routiers

Semestre 2

  • Waste-Water Engineering
  • Initiation à l’Ingénierie du Trafic
  • Stage en Entreprise 1 (12 semaines)
  • Projet Tuteuré

Semestre 3

  • Pollution Abatement and Control
  • Environmental Management and Assessment
  • Sustainable Building design
  • Amélioration et Renforcement des Sol & Géotechnique Routière
  • Géologie Structurale
  • Investigations Géotechniques
  • Travaux Souterrains & Mécanique des Roches
  • Télémétrie, Télégestion et Télésurveillance des Ouvrages de Génie Civil
  • Auscultation, Diagnostic et Réhabilitation des Réseaux d’Assainissement
  • Pathologies, Réparations et Techniques Avancées d’Auscultation et de Surveillance des Ouvrages


  • Option Entreprise 
  • Fundamentals of Risk Management
  • Human Resource and Quality Management
  • Mauritian Construction, Work and Occupational Safety and Health Legislation


  • Option Recherche
  • Reliability and Modelling
  • Research Conference and Discussion Platform
  • Research Methodologies and Concepts

Semestre 4

Option Entreprise

  • Stage en Entreprise 2 (14 semaines)
  • Projet de Fin d’Etudes Appliqué à l’Entreprise(6 semaines)

Option Recherche

  • Stage de Recherche (14 semaines)
  • Projet de Fin d’Etudes Appliqué à la Recherche (6 semaines)

Mode & Fees

A. MODE: Open to Local and International Students, this course is delivered in Part-Time mode only


Duration of course: 3 years
Minimum entry requirements: BSc or Licence or any (BAC+3) degree pass in Civil Engineering or equivalent


Duration of course: 1.5 years
Minimum entry requirements: BEng or Msc or M1 or any (BAC+4) degree pass in Civil Engineering or equivalent


(i) Tuition Fees: to be finalised
(ii) Registration: to be finalised
(iii) One-off application fee: MUR700/25USD
(iv) All fees must be paid in advance before the start of each Academic Year
(v) Some modules are taught in English language and others in French language. Hence, the students must also have a pass in BOTH English and French languages at High School or University Level or an acceptable Certificate of languages Proficiency

to Apply

Click here to download Application form






Available at the Rose-Hill campus.

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