PhD in the field of Wind Engineering – Université des Mascareignes
MPhil in Wind Energy Resource Assessment – Université des Mascareignes
BEng Mechanical Engineering, First Class with Honours – Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), University of Allahabad, India.

PhD in the field of Wind Engineering – Université des Mascareignes
MPhil in Wind Energy Resource Assessment – Université des Mascareignes
BEng Mechanical Engineering, First Class with Honours – Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), University of Allahabad, India.

Cunden Tyagaraja S. Modelly (Kesseven)
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Research/field of study:
Renewable Energy: Wind engineering, Regional Climate modelling, Mesoscale and Microscale modelling, Wind Energy Resource Assessment, High resolution Mapping of Wind Energy, Exergy Analysis, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Wind/Solar hybrid systems
Murday K., Chokkan L., Sooben K., Cunden T.S.M. and Lollchund M.R., 2017. ‘Aeroacoustics of a Boeing 737 aircraft wing for aircraft noise estimation’. University of Mauritius (UoM), Faculty of Science Research day, September 2017
Dhunny A. Z., Cunden T. S. M., Lollchund M. R., Rughooputh S. D. D. V., 2017, An Integrated Computational Approach for the Assessment of Nearshore Wind Farms: Case of a Tropical Island. Proceedings of eNergetics 2017, 3rd Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy, Serbia, October 2017 ISBN 978-86-80616-02-5
Cunden T.S.M, Dhunny A.Z., Lollchund M.R. and Rughooputh S.D.D.V., 2018. Sensitivity Analysis of WRF Model for Wind Modelling over a Complex Topography under Extreme Weather Conditions. Proceedings of the 5th Edition if the International Symposium “Environment-Friendly Energy and Applications – EFEA 2018”, Rome, Italy. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1876T-ART (Xplore) ISBN: 978-1-5386-5517-7 (Xplore)
Jawaheer B.O., Dhunny A.Z., Cunden T.S.M., Chandrasekaran N. and Lollchund M.R., 2018. Modelling the effects of wind farming on the local weather using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Proceedings of Fifth International Conference INDIA 2018 Volume 2. ISSN 2194-5357; ISSN 2194-5365; ISBN 978-981-13-3337-8 ISBN 978-981-13-3338-5 (eBook)
Dhunny A.Z., Timmons D.S., Cunden T.S.M., Dookhitram K., Lollchund M.R. and Rughooputh S.D.D.V., 2018. Layout optimization of turbines placement in a wind farm using Genetic Algorithm: Minimizing Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). TEC conference, Research by TEIs benefitting Society, Mauritius.
Chandrasekaran, N., Somanah, R., Rughoo, D., Dreepaul, R.K., Cunden, T.S.M. and Demkah, M., 2019. Digital Transformation from Leveraging Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. In Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications(pp. 271-283). Springer, Singapore.
Cunden T. S.M., Burgus M.S, Chinniah A., Hurwanth D., Mungroo M.Z. and Lollchund M.R., 2019. On the design of a low-cost and portable meteorological station (LCPMS) for high-resolution spatio-temporal measurements of meteorological data. National Research Week for the Higher Education Sector, TEC, 2 – 5 April 2019
Cunden T.S.M, Dhunny A.Z., Lollchund M.R. and Rughooputh S.D.D.V., 2019. Wind Resource Atlas of Mauritius: Mesoscale and Microscale Models. (Book) ISBN 978-99903-73-46-2, Occasional Publisher, Rep. of Mauritius.
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