Dr Khodabocus Mohammad Irshad is a Researcher in Pure Mathematics – Topology and a Lecturer-Researcher in Mechanical Engineering – Fluid Mechanics at Université des Mascareignes. He holds a “Brevet de Technicien (BT) – Mécanique Automobile” (Technical Diploma in the French System in Automotive Mechanics) from Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget (Mauritius), a “Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) – Mécanique Automobile” (Higher Technical Diploma in the French System in Automotive Mechanics) from Lycée Condorcet (France), a “Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales (DEUG) – Mathématiques et Applications” (General Academic Studies Degree in the French System in Mathematics and Applications), a “Licence (Bac+3) – Mathématiques et Applications” (Bachelor’s Degree in the French System in Mathematics and Applications), a “Maîtrise (BAC+4) – Mécanique” (Master’s Degree in the French System in Mechanics), and a “Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (DEA) – Dynamique des Fluides” (Master’s Degree by Research in the French System in Fluid Dynamics), all from University Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (France); a “PhD Mechanical Engineering Degree” with specialization in Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Droplets Dynamics from University of Canterbury (New Zealand), and a “PhD Pure Mathematics Degree” with specialization in Generalized Topology from University of Mauritius (Mauritius).
His past research in Mechanical Engineering involves Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Dynamics in confined and unconfined systems, and his recent research in Pure Mathematics involves study of generalized properties in Topology, Topological Groups and Algebraic Topology. In Pure Mathematics, he is known for his work on Generalized Topological Spaces and, in Mechanical Engineering, he is known for his work on Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Self- Propelling, Coalescing droplet Dynamics in small scale confined and unconfined systems.
His teaching experience includes courses taught across a broad range of subjects within Mathematics (Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Modelling and Computation) and Mechanical Engineering (Computational and Applied Mechanical Analysis, Solid Mechanics, Mechanical Automotive Engineering).

Dr Khodabocus Mohammad Irshad is a Researcher in Pure Mathematics – Topology and a Lecturer-Researcher in Mechanical Engineering – Fluid Mechanics at Université des Mascareignes. He holds a “Brevet de Technicien (BT) – Mécanique Automobile” (Technical Diploma in the French System in Automotive Mechanics) from Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget (Mauritius), a “Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) – Mécanique Automobile” (Higher Technical Diploma in the French System in Automotive Mechanics) from Lycée Condorcet (France), a “Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales (DEUG) – Mathématiques et Applications” (General Academic Studies Degree in the French System in Mathematics and Applications), a “Licence (Bac+3) – Mathématiques et Applications” (Bachelor’s Degree in the French System in Mathematics and Applications), a “Maîtrise (BAC+4) – Mécanique” (Master’s Degree in the French System in Mechanics), and a “Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (DEA) – Dynamique des Fluides” (Master’s Degree by Research in the French System in Fluid Dynamics), all from University Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (France); a “PhD Mechanical Engineering Degree” with specialization in Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Droplets Dynamics from University of Canterbury (New Zealand), and a “PhD Pure Mathematics Degree” with specialization in Generalized Topology from University of Mauritius (Mauritius).
His past research in Mechanical Engineering involves Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Dynamics in confined and unconfined systems, and his recent research in Pure Mathematics involves study of generalized properties in Topology, Topological Groups and Algebraic Topology. In Pure Mathematics, he is known for his work on Generalized Topological Spaces and, in Mechanical Engineering, he is known for his work on Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Self- Propelling, Coalescing droplet Dynamics in small scale confined and unconfined systems.
His teaching experience includes courses taught across a broad range of subjects within Mathematics (Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Modelling and Computation) and Mechanical Engineering (Computational and Applied Mechanical Analysis, Solid Mechanics, Mechanical Automotive Engineering).

Dr. Mohammad Irshad Khodabocus
Designation: Lecturer [PhD PMath (MRU), PhD MEng (NZ), MSc (FR), Maîtrise (FR), BSc (FR), DEUG (FR), BTS (FR), BT (MRU)]
Research/field of study:
Generalized Topology, Algebraic Topology, Topological Groups, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Modeling of Flow Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Currently, Dr Khodabocus is interested in the application of topological
techniques through generalized sets, generalized maps, generalized separation axioms, generalized connectedness, generalize compactness, homotopy techniques, topological groups techniques and fluid dynamics laws through Mathematical Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics numerical schemes by different fields within the Faculty of Sustainable Development and Engineering of the Université des Mascareignes. He is also willing to collaborate with other researchers working on similar research projects.
His contributions to research can be found on ResearchGate:
Peer reviewed journals:
KHODABOCUS M. I., SELLIER M. & NOCK V., Dynamics of Thin Film under a Volatile Solvent Source driven by a Constant Pressure Gradient Flow, Fluids 2019, 4(4), 198 (DOI: 10.3390/fluids4040198).
URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2311-5521/4/4/198. FIELD: Mathematical Physics: Fluid Dynamics
KHODABOCUS M. I., SELLIER M. & NOCK V., Scaling Laws of Droplet Coalescence: Theory and Numerical Simulation, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2018, Article ID 4906016, 16 Pages (DOI:
10.1155/2018/4906016). URL: https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4906016. FIELD: Mathematical Physics: Fluid Dynamics
KHODABOCUS M. I., SELLIER M. & NOCK V., Slug Self-Propulsion in a Capillary Tube: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2016, Article ID 1234642, 16 Pages (DOI: 10.1155/2016/1234642). URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/1234642. FIELD: Mathematical Physics: Fluid Dynamics
Non peer reviewed journals:
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Topological Groups in the Generalized Sense (Current Project). FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology & Abstract groups
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Collected Works: Topological Operators – Theory of Generalized Topological Operators in Generalized Topological Spaces, ResearchGate 2020, 1–195 (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24636.46726). URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346976455_Collected_Works_Topological_Operators_–_Theory_of_Generalized_Topological_Operators_in_Generalized_Topological_Spaces. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Derived and Generalized Coderived Operators in Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2020, 1–89, 2019120064 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints202011.0747.v1). URL: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202011.0747/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Exterior and Generalized Frontier Operators in Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2020, 1–59, 2019120064 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints202003.0342.v1). URL: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202003.0342/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Interior and Generalized Closure Operators in Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2019, 1–44, 2019120064 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints201912.0064.v1). URL: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201912.0064/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Compactness in Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2019, 1–35, 2019030199 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints201903.0199.v1). URL: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201903.0199/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Connectedness in Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2018, 1–38, 2018100742 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints201810.0742.v1). URL: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201810.0742/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Separation Axioms in Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2018, 1–21, 2018070095 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints201807.0095.v1).
URL: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201807.0095/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Maps between Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2018, 1–25, 2018060169 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints201806.0169.v1). URL: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201806.0169/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Sets in Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2018, 1–20, 2018060070 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints201806.0070.v1). URL:
https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201806.0070/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
KHODABOCUS M. I. & SOOKIA N., Theory of Generalized Separation Axioms in Generalized Topological Spaces, Preprints 2018, 1–21, 2018070095 (DOI: 10.20944/preprints201807.0095.v1).
URL: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201807.0095/v1. FIELD: Pure Mathematics: Topology
Any further inquiries?
Please contact on the following email: ecoledoctorale@udm.ac.mu