I was awarded an upper second class B.Eng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Mauritius. As former Head of GEMA department, I was responsible for the setting up of new programs such as the DUST,LT/BSc(Hons) in Electomechanical Engineering, LP/BSc(Hons) GMIHI, BEng(Hons) Mechanical Engineering(minor energy system) CRPE approved and the first Master en Maintenance des systèmes Industriels in collaboration with the Université de Limoges.
Before joining the Université des Mascareignes, he worked as Lecturer for the Institut Supérieur de Technologie (May 2001-2012); Trainee Mechanical Engineer at the Central Water Authority (1999- April 2001); Industrial Maintenance and M&E design Engineer at the Socota Textile Mills ltd (1998-1999); Sales & Technical Engineer at Krane Trading & Protector training services ltd (Aug 1997-Dec 1997) and finally as Customer care supervisor at Bowman International ltd (May 1997-July 1997).
I am a certified MQA trainer and has also collaborated with the central procurement board, Mauritius on various projects as Bid Evaluators. Moreover, I was a Reviewer for the Mauritius Research council on the Collaborative Research and Innovation Grant Scheme (CRIGS) projects.
My recent research interest is to investigate solar cooling as a means to optimize the energy efficiency of compressed air systems in the Mauritian manufacturing Industries.

I was awarded an upper second class B.Eng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Mauritius. As former Head of GEMA department, I was responsible for the setting up of new programs such as the DUST,LT/BSc(Hons) in Electomechanical Engineering, LP/BSc(Hons) GMIHI, BEng(Hons) Mechanical Engineering(minor energy system) CRPE approved and the first Master en Maintenance des systèmes Industriels in collaboration with the Université de Limoges.
Before joining the Université des Mascareignes, he worked as Lecturer for the Institut Supérieur de Technologie (May 2001-2012); Trainee Mechanical Engineer at the Central Water Authority (1999- April 2001); Industrial Maintenance and M&E design Engineer at the Socota Textile Mills ltd (1998-1999); Sales & Technical Engineer at Krane Trading & Protector training services ltd (Aug 1997-Dec 1997) and finally as Customer care supervisor at Bowman International ltd (May 1997-July 1997).
I am a certified MQA trainer and has also collaborated with the central procurement board, Mauritius on various projects as Bid Evaluators. Moreover, I was a Reviewer for the Mauritius Research council on the Collaborative Research and Innovation Grant Scheme (CRIGS) projects.
My recent research interest is to investigate solar cooling as a means to optimize the energy efficiency of compressed air systems in the Mauritian manufacturing Industries.
Mawooa Deoduth
Research/field of study:
Heat transfer, Maintenance management, Reliability engineering, Steam engineering, Energy Audit & Management, Pumping systems, Industrial & domestic Plumbing systems, solar Water heating and cooling systems, HVAC systems, Industrial compressed air systems
- Mawooa; L. Latchoomun; R. G. Kaully; Krishna Busawon. An Overview of Wave Energy Technologies in the Mauritian Context. Fifth International Symposium on Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA) Rome, Italy, 2018 IEEE Xplore.
- Latchoomun, R.T.F. Ah King, K. Busawon, D. Mawooa, R.G. Kaully. Laboratory Investigation of the Leakage Characteristics of Unburied HDPE Pipes. Procedia Engineering, Volume 119, 2015, Pages 91-100. Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI2015) Sharing the best practice in water management, Elsevier.
- Latchoomun, D. Mawooa, Robert T. F. Ah King, K. Busawon, R. Binns. Quantifying the Pumping Energy Loss Associated with Different Types of Leak in a Piping System. Chapter in book, Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering, Volume 416 of the series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering pp 107-118, Springer
Any further inquiries?
Please contact on the following email: ecoledoctorale@udm.ac.mu