Mr Roshan Ramlogun initially graduated with a BTech(hons) in Civil Civil Engineering from the University of Mauritius. He worked in industry for some time and then joined as Trainer of Technicians at the Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget.
He followed several trainings in France at the ENS Cachan, Paris and Université de Limoges (UL), France in the field of Education, Pedagogy, Didactics and Technology. He joined the Institut Supérieur de Technologie as Lecturer for the training of Advanced Technicians and then completed his Master in “Inspection, Maintenance et Réparation des Ouvrages d’Art” from UL, France where he worked on a research project on the use of NDT.
Mr Roshan Ramlogun then joined the Université des Mascareignes where he was promoted to Senior Lecturer. He worked on several research projects and also shouldered several responsibilities like Course Coordinator, Head of Department, Program Coordinator and Social Media Admin.

Mr Roshan Ramlogun initially graduated with a BTech(hons) in Civil Civil Engineering from the University of Mauritius. He worked in industry for some time and then joined as Trainer of Technicians at the Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget.
He followed several trainings in France at the ENS Cachan, Paris and Université de Limoges (UL), France in the field of Education, Pedagogy, Didactics and Technology. He joined the Institut Supérieur de Technologie as Lecturer for the training of Advanced Technicians and then completed his Master in “Inspection, Maintenance et Réparation des Ouvrages d’Art” from UL, France where he worked on a research project on the use of NDT.
Mr Roshan Ramlogun then joined the Université des Mascareignes where he was promoted to Senior Lecturer. He worked on several research projects and also shouldered several responsibilities like Course Coordinator, Head of Department, Program Coordinator and Social Media Admin.

Ramlogun Roshan
Research/field of study:
civil engineering, maintenance, inspection, social media, digital marketing
R.R.Ramlogun, B.Picoux, P.Reynaud et L.Ulmet: “Evaluation de la technique de thermographie infrarouge pour le diagnostic et suivi d’ouvrages”, XXIIIème Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, Grenoble, 26-27 Mai 2005.
R.R.Ramlogun, B.Picoux, L.Ulmet and C.Petit : « An Evaluation of the Application of Infrared Thermography in the Diagnosis of Civil Engineering Structures », Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, B.H.V. Topping (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, Scotland, Roma, Italy, 29 August-04 September 2005.
2014: R.Goodary, R.Beeharry, & R.Ramlogun: “Effect of fly ash on strength and compressibility of dark magnesium clay”, 27-29 August 2014. International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development
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