Normada Bheekharry is Head of Department ( Management) for the Faculty of Business and Management. She has delivered modules in both management and marketing for past 13 years and has a keen interest in the study of integrating Information Technology and management/marketing Practices. Specialized in the field of Emarketing, Mrs Normada Bheekharry holds a Master in Business (Electronic Commerce/Marketing) from Victoria University, Melbourne Australia.

Normada Bheekharry is Head of Department ( Management) for the Faculty of Business and Management. She has delivered modules in both management and marketing for past 13 years and has a keen interest in the study of integrating Information Technology and management/marketing Practices. Specialized in the field of Emarketing, Mrs Normada Bheekharry holds a Master in Business (Electronic Commerce/Marketing) from Victoria University, Melbourne Australia.

Bheekharry Normada
Research/field of study:
Marketing, Emarketing, Digital Platforms, Artificial Intelligence and customer engagement, Elearning, Sustainable Management
Mrs Bheekharry area of research, lies in the study of optimizing customers engagement and enhancing customers value through digitalization. She has brought forward her research by participating in several conferences organized locally. Her upcoming projects concern eLearning platforms and its implication in higher education and Sustainable Business Management Practices for Industry 4.0.
Emig 2019 Supply Chain Management -Marketing Integration a Key Element in the Digital Era
Tec 2019 Bringing Organisation Value Through CRM 2.0.
India Conference 2018: Intergrating IT and Marketing for better Customer Value.
Emig 2017 Harnessing Big Data for Strategic Marketing Decision Making
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