List of academic publications
Prakash Deenapanray and N. Khadun, “Land transport greenhouse gas emission scenarios for Mauritius based on modelling transport demand”, Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Transportation Research 9, 100299 (2021).
Prakash Deenapanray, “Increasing the ambition of mitigation action in small emitters: the case of Mauritius”, Climate Policy (2021); DOI:10.1080/14693062.2021.1886898.
A.K. Magnan, A. Anisimov, V.K.E. Duvat, P.N.K. Deenapanray, B. Fall, V. Kauppaymuthoo, M. Noblet, S. Persand, M. Sadio, C. Schaer, L. Vallejo (2021) Global Adaptation Progress Tracker (GAP-Track) – Methodological Report, IDDRI, Paris.
A.K. Magnan, A. Anisimov, V.K.E. Duvat, P.N.K. Deenapanray, B. Fall, V. Kauppaymuthoo, M. Noblet, S. Persand, M. Sadio, C. Schaer, L. Vallejo (2021) Global Adaptation Progress Tracker - GAP-Track Pilot Study Report, IDDRI, Paris.
Doorga, J.R., Sadien, M., Bheeroo, N.A., Pasnin, O., Gooroochurn, O., Modoosoodun-Nicolas, K., Ramchandur, V. and Ramharai, D., 2021. Assessment and management of coastal erosion: Insights from two tropical sandy shores in Mauritius Island. Ocean & Coastal Management, 212, p.105823.
Doorga, J.R., Magerl, L., Bunwaree, P., Zhao, J., Watkins, S., Staub, C.G., Rughooputh, S.D., Cunden, T.S., Lollchund, R. and Boojhawon, R., 2021. GIS-based multi-criteria modelling of flood risk susceptibility in Port Louis, Mauritius: Towards resilient flood management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, p.102683.
Doorga, J.R.S., Hall, J.W. and Eyre, N., 2022. Geospatial multi-criteria analysis for identifying optimum wind and solar sites in Africa: Towards effective power sector decarbonization. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 158, p.112107.
Doorga, J.R.S., Rughooputh, S.D., Chung, S.Y. and McGivern, A., 2022. A geospatial approach for addressing long-term solid waste management issues: Extracting value from waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 334, p.130282.
Doorga, J.R.S., Cunden, T.S., Rughooputh, S.D.D.V., Rughoo, D., Dookayka, K., 2022. Optimizing on utility-scale solar for conservation of pristine landscapes and ecosystems: The Case of Rodrigues Island. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy.